Floating Not Walking

When the eyes first met,

A smile appeared on earth,

Sheer existence, a blessed manifestation;

I sense intelligence,

As I dreamt, risking negligence.

A pretty girl always pleasing to the eyes,

It is not a surprise she’s always in the want,

But until you get to know hearts,

All are superficial and one dimensional.

Hungry I am to confine in her,

The creature in the chest blazes like a night forest on fire,

Hoping to get close and feel your heat within mine,

Now enjoined resulting into a great sign,

Rest of the world will not determine,

The two souls hath combine.

Girls deciphered as soon as they’re seen,

Not stupid, you guys aren’t tough to read.

She however is unlike—yet radiates in light,

Pure kindness and tolerance,

Men all welcome with obedience.

Gentle and tender, my mind speaks of her

Optimistic in trial even mistrials,

Such are the effects,

When dreams escalate,

It turns reality into a façade.

The princesses and the queens should not take this to heart,

It is too late to remove the creatures settling in your heart,

The girl in my dreams however possesses a pure heart,

Such is the dreamer, who has thee in his art,

Who has lost and depart,

Who is of no use when split up.

Man in the mirror (yes, very original right?)

This has to be one of my bad pieces. I started off really angry hence was in the mood to write, but after that I wasn’t as much. I felt like I had to finish what I started hence I came up with what I have…

The young men, the holy men all gleaming with light and protruding great vibe, emanating the path with every step they take. Often when I am adhering, performing my obligatory duties, a voice in me says you’re better than thee, so often in my duties I bicker with my voices instead of focusing on my duties.

I am not as religious as I ought to be, what I am now I am open for knowledge and wisdom. For those who are religious and perform and prostrate and follow the sayings vigorously, to them lies a bigger test, a challenge so delicate and difficult, they fail to realize. They fall, oblivious—so subtle it’s ordeal, they fall without notice.

Remarkable! They’re doing as they are told, but behind their souls lay a great king that dominates and sits with esteem. They now are the best of all people, to perform everything ordained to them, they no longer are capable of sin, they paint their faces with purity of light, the only light they emit are lies through their eyes, they no longer are capable of fault. The irony is they’re focusing too much on their good deeds.

Dragging their words in their speeches, their words and sentences prolonged and beseeches, they pause to see whether they radiate the spaces, making unnecessary pauses waiting for loud applauses, a demonstration to the self of self importance and conceitedness. The whispering voices applaud them into forgetfulness. Like a snake shredding its skin, you slowly but completely change your road to enlightenment.

Righteous in good deeds yet he walks the streets with abhorrence, accompanied by a friend called arrogance. The right eye transcends with piety, the left with self-righteous deity.

Stop looking at yourself so greatly, just because you refuse to agree, doesn’t make you a man of glory, can't bear of meeting smarter people, but don’t you see? There will always be someone more enlightened and brilliant than thee. Beyond your holy dresses, all we see is discordance and condescend; your eyes can’t stop from demeaning and belittling, your soul hath lost to the whispering voice of the vices.

There is no use in debating with your kind; you look at yourself praising and boasting, unaware of us appraising your strange gestures.

Looking at the mirror with your hands clutched on your sides, looking bigger, taller and wiser. Lying to the self, a requirement before lying unto others. Wake up and smell the stupidity in your hostility, don’t be caught up in man-made deities.

Easily threatened, fear of being disproven, disliking questions, forgetting that humans are always of ignorance, but we continue to belittle and create distinctions, creating separation between fellow creations.

Little by little the whispering voices turns you into a person into you once were not. Every good deed you do, tells and reminds you superior you are, every extra deed reminds you on how better you are, every good deeds turns you into a good person whereas inside lies a rotten one, for every good deed turns you into a pompous and arrogant creature, wake up you fool, you’re merely lucky, not cool. Stop looking at others like they’re the fool—you fool the mirror said unto me.

4 Rules to Abide in The Movies

In most major cities, such an issue will probably never arise. Every time, fine almost every time I go to the movies I end up getting severely annoyed and frustrated by the insensitivity of some people. Oddly enough, it’s the same all over the city.

At first I was sure that people were aware of a cinema being a public place and everyone paid to be in the movies; I am not so sure anymore. How can people be so self- centered and conveniently disregard others?

So here are some basic ethics/ common manners you should’ve already known as a human being. It is really unfortunate that a basic thing such as this that even a child would know to adhere has to be brought to attention and highlighted as a reminder to fellow Malaysians so as to not bother others and ruin their movie experience.

Here they are:

1. Do not talk in the cinema, period.

2. Silent your phones and once again shut up.

3. Please do not kick/shake the seats in front of you with your legs. Yes, they even do it when there’s someone sitting in the seat in front of them.

4. Do not read out every single line that comes out on the screen i.e. at the end of a trailer, ‘Coming soon’ like seriously? Do you need to read it out loud and share that information with people?

This may not seem a big deal, but when this happens almost all the time you get to questioning that do Malaysians not possess even basic manners? And then there are those who even when you ‘shoo’, go on talking as if nothing happened.

So yes despite sounding like a douche, I am glad I expressed myself and conveyed this message.

History, Conspiracies and Theories

“The reality! What is the Reality?! And what will make you know of the reality?”

People these days are so corrupt that the corrupt world appears normal, it’s history. To the present day history has been repeating itself, one that can be seen in our current lives, so synonym with life; We are indeed the inhabitants of a world moved by desire and conjectures.

The need to write this piece arose after reading a post on how conspiracy theories was claimed, ‘stupid’ by a juvenile adult I know not of and rather not. To put it short I was over come with a mixture of agitation, annoyance and disappointment. The product of which resulted into coming up with one of my own to do justice to myself and perhaps others in wanting to convey my message and reasoning.

Conspiracy: a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act/ plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot).

Theory: To be clear, theory is not fact. If it were fact then it wouldn’t be called a theory.

There were a few definition of the word theory but this one I found most suitable: ‘Theory in modern English is a concept which originally derives from classical Greek philosophy, for example that of Plato, and is derived from ancient Greek theoria, which original meant a looking at, viewing, beholding’.


"A society of cardinals, the overseers of foreign missions; also the College of the Propaganda at Rome founded by Pope Urban VIII in 1627 for the education of missionary priests; Sacred College de Propaganda Fide.

"Hence, any institution or scheme for propagating a doctrine or system.

"Effort directed systematically toward the gaining of public support for an opinion or a course of action.

"The principles advanced by a propaganda."

The existence of conspiracy theories is evidence of conspiracies. Conspiracy theories are theories mainly because an act to conspire is in itself a secret/-hidden act.

Our whole lives are constructed by schemes and lies. And our people are so deeply engraved within these lies; they look at this life neither questioning nor contemplating, for this is the only from of life known to them and the people before them. Not wanting to burst anyone’s bubble but we are mere puppets, oblivious towards our puppeteers who controls us, a bunch of humans high up and well hidden trying to play god.

As I mentioned above, conspiracies can also be looked at as history. The most eminent form of manipulation/propaganda/conspiracies are one that separates mankind; Color, religion, races, social classes etc. For instance, the liking and the penchant/fondness towards a person with a fairer skin—Do you really think that a human being was born innately with the sort of ability to disparate? Somebody/someone had instilled the idea in peoples mind, to the extent that it appears ever so natural. Children these days at a very young age are aware of the advantages of fair skin and the superiority that comes with it. What do you call that? A successful conspiracy. Come on now petty Asians, you see a white man, you don’t feel at awe and inferior?

A question, how do you define success? According to a documentary I saw, most do by the amount of money you have. But let’s look at it in a slightly minuscule bigger picture; success is defined by having a safe security. The mind then conjures up with images of a big save haven in the form of a house. Attractive women, posh cars, fashionable clothes, big insurance policy etc follows and pretty soon you find yourself daydreaming. Do I lie or exaggerate? No. This is how success is perceived. People adhering to the public’s eyes and expectation like yourself should know better.

If it were up to me the perception of the society and its definition of success too is an agenda. They hold a stand that indirectly says, it is okay to be evil, selfish, ignorant and arrogant as long as one is rich, he’s considered successful, smart and noble. We are so deep in this shit belief that its stench no longer stink.

Many of you will dislike this, as you feel the sting of my words attack your pride and misdeeds. Deter not for it applies to me as well, for I am not so different than you are; Many of you lack in intelligence a cause to incomprehension, but I, like many take what I comprehend or leave while I can, many of you shall not enjoy this stand, Wary not for the words attack me as I speak, worry not I am dressed in drags, I have no rights to brag.

Usually in my writings I prefer not to quote, take excerpts from religion or it’s scripture. But not doing so will only make my writing a form of opinion, not of reason, logic or fact. This piece is the product of my opinion, reasoning made deriving from my beliefs and in consequent the references and train of thought of a Muslim.

I have left among you two matters by holding fast to which, you shall never be misguided: the Book of Allah and the Sunna of His Prophet.

A man came to Muhammad and said, "Verily I love you." He replied, "Look to what you say." And the man said, "By God! I love you,"and repeated the same twice. Lord Muhammad said, "If you are sincere, then prepare yourself for poverty: for poverty reacheth him who loveth me quicker than a torrent reacheth the sea.

“O Lord! Keep me alive a poor man, and let me die poor; and raise me amongst the poor.”

How much of his teaching and addressing do we follow? I know you might think that I am already straying out of context. But this is how I roll.

Religion defines success on one’s submission of will to God’s, which is also the meaning of the word Muslim. The definition of success:

"The Glorious Qu'ran) In it there is guidance for those who fear Allah and believe in things not visible; they establish Salaah (prayer) and spend from what we have bestowed on them; and they believe in what has been sent down to you and sent down before you; and they are certain of the Aakhirah. (Hereafter) They depend on the guidance from their Lord; they are successful."
Surah Baqarah Verses 2-5

Back to the piece written by the juvenile boasting that he studied in America, on how it is not good to be blaming everything on conspiracy theories and how it is not right to assume that everything is a product of this conspiracy theory. An argument I readily agree with. I do believe that one’s mind should not be avidly focusing on theories as it’ll only prove… well nothing. A theory is not to be believed a hundred percent neither should it be neglected a hundred percent.

Having said that, it is always good to be aware of what goes on and have knowledge on certain… well many things.

Outrageous Misdeeds

One of the biggest propaganda in the modern world is the Palestinian conflict. The Prophet SAW said, "The Muslim ummah is an unique ummah among the whole of mankind; their land is one, their way is one, their honor is one and their trust is one."

I didn’t know how to react whilst reading it. Clearly the Muslim ummah’s mindset does not work that way. The Arab world goes on with life, oblivious and having good ties with their apparent enemies. I like to think that there is little guilt and enmity towards the west. Though they’re blinded with greed and their greed as a consequent now turned them into silent puppets.

There are too some who says, it is the Palestinian’s fault and there are no such propaganda going on? This is a crime towards humanity and the whole world looks with caution, the whole world look with caution at the victims, at the Palestinians as if they were their own attackers.

Israel, How is a small country able to do the worst crime against humanity and get away with it every single time and still claim to be the victim? My friends in this case, yes it is not even a theory nor a conspiracy but a blatant lie; one that we see and ignore nonchalantly.

The media

The media plays perhaps the biggest role in claying, conspiring, propagating and brainwashing. Shaping the mind of children and right through their adolescent age, their teenage days and adult days. Each age group has their level of preferences and a program for their capacity.

“The media is manipulated in all manners, for example through professional public relations (PR), and covert and overt government propaganda which disseminates propaganda as news. What are often deemed as credible news sources can often knowingly or unknowingly be pushing political agendas and propaganda”

Through advertisements, dramas, series, movies, music little by little the mind has being cultivated. A good example would be the younger generations. However it seems like the agenda these days is to make kids dumber with all sorts of addictive entertainments. Strangely that doesn’t seem too effective, as today’s kids appear smarter, most that I have seen at least. Unfortunately the same can’t be said about housewives. Their demeanors, act as a direct relation to the dramas they watch. They’re now reenacting what they see.

Let’s talk a little about its history. Sigmund Freud and Edward Bernays the latter is an even more important name everyone should be aware of. Using his uncle methods of psychoanalysis he propagated the mass of human using their own subconscious against themselves. A World where peoples desire controls the people.

People meet Edward Bernays..




What does a human do when he gets rich and powerful? He tries to get richer and more powerful, is that not what we learned from human logic, history and from ourselves? If you disagree then you do not befit the ‘mankind’ criterion. Is it so difficult to assume that these world leaders would only come together to maintain their power and be in constant control? The dangerous thing about these people are once you’re high up there, there is no coming down. Their egos and pride would not permit them to do so, not in a thousand, nay a million years! These people obviously will do anything to sustain their status and wealth. Don’t believe me? That’s simple you’re human, ask yourself.

If there is one thing we learned about money is that it doesn’t bring us happiness but only makes greedier for more.

In our everyday life we have people lying and cheating each other. What does one do to be more believable and viable? He gathers cronies. To become a powerful one, you make a group of people consisting of people most prominent in their fields and propagate your propaganda. Yes conspiracy like everything else perhaps started from a modest beginning.


How difficult is it to control the masses? In order to do so you have to be in control of what everyone are chasing for. By doing so you have every Tom, Dick and Harry under your grasp.

One of the amazing things about these guys are they plot and instill in your mind what you should crave for and live for. We then as expected act expectedly Ingenious ain’t it?

There are two things that people these days live for, money and wanting to be in love. Both are emphasized frequently enough to be one and part of their subconsciouses. People spend most of their young adult time chasing money and human love in hope that those two alone are the key to happiness, as depicted in the movies and in fairy tales. Everyone now are in a frenzy of chasing for a supposedly, ‘happily ever after life.’

The Education system too plays a crucial part in shaping the masses into the exemplary citizen they want us to be. Our parents too are bitten and smitten, a victim to this malicious corporations, even making us feel envious towards our brethren.

The people are basically controlled by the government, the Government as an authority figure controls what’s right and wrong and the media, news etc. The government and its people on the other hand are controlled by wealth and desires. The people with money and the power to realize these desires are the string pullers, the puppeteers. The same might apply to all Governments.

For those of you who still cannot see, I pity you, for not being able to see what’s right in front of you, oh mankind, you are an eye sore, a source of disappointment, but if you were to view me the same way, it’s okay we are going our own ways.


You’re in a loop of constant chasing; you work, buy and get bored. Once you get bored, you continue striving for something bigger and you get that and you are happy again temporarily, until you get bored. That is the cycle of your life. In your conquest of happiness, you lose track of your misconceptions and soon you will dread and regret on your wrong implications, Ignorance and arrogance is no benevolence.

I would like to go on but I see that this is long enough. Thank you for reading, I hope you didn’t find it a waste of time, but if you did, then it was out of my hand.

Here are some verses that you might find interesting:

And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying.

The noble Quran Chapter 6 verse 116

And when those who disbelieve plot against thee (O Muhammad) to wound thee fatally, or to kill thee or to drive thee forth; they plot, but Allah (also) plotteth; and Allah is the best of plotters.

Al Anfal verse 30