
Well I am not quite feeling well today. Ergo I relax at home. Though there is not much food available... After raiding the fridge, I found a quarter of left over birthday cake, my brother’s. I took a big chunk of it, I don't really like cakes but then I was hungry, you know what they say, ‘hunger is a hunter’. I am not sure if I am just making that up. I also found a jar of cashew nuts hidden at the end of the fridge's compartment. I ate the cashews out of spite. Now I don't feel too hungry, now I just hope I don't get fat. 

Anyways knowing that I have some house chores to do have made me lazy and unproductive. Therefore I went out and took some pics, you know to lose some of the guilt for not conforming to the mundane, repetitive chores. I am pretty sure I'll regret it but who cares, I'll have to attend to them sooner or later. 

Oh my work place has shifted to Nilai, I have to be on the company bus approximately 7.30 every morning and reach home around 8 pm. I would like to brag about the burden and the getting used to the new routine. Then I was reminded of others. It is pretty common isn't it? Spending long hours traveling to work, spending long hours at work, spending all the money you've earned on paying off debts and what’s available of in the name of stress relief and keeping sane?  On second thoughts aren’t we getting used to enslaving ourselves to banks and society's expectations? What else is new? 

It is necessary to keep life somewhat balanced, you know keep it balanced to your own ability. It might be trying and exhausting but to me keeping life balanced is pretty significant. One has to be spiritually, mentally, physically and financially stable. That's my opinion and something that I envision or you know just being hopeful for. After all I am getting old, and I am old enough to know, you know…stuff.

I've been spending too much money on plants, flowers, fishes, aquarium, stuffs for aquarium...I was assisting my uncle on building our own fishpond. It took us almost 4 months to complete, you know since it was just the two of us and we could only work on the weekends. It feels nice though; having it in the house...not exactly in the house but u know what I am saying, right?

After getting the pond done, I wanted to do this thing called ‘aquascape’, ‘planted aquarium’, or well there are few more names for it. Although, I am pretty sure I messed it up. Fishes were dying, the water in the tank looked dirty and I am not exactly good at landscaping apparently.   

Anyhoo, I think I shall nap a little while I still can. Enjoy the pics.