Pointless Points

Once again it’s been quite some time since I last posted my entry. I have to say that right now I am awfully proud of myself. I wasn’t really aware of my self determination to be this strong. It’s my tenth entry, and yes it’s a big deal to me. This wouldn’t have happened if my friends didn’t encourage me to continue writing. You guys are acknowledged...ha-ha. Pretending to be an established writer is fun.

Lately, since the last time I posted my entry. I haven’t been up to anything unusual nor have I been experiencing anything unusual. Things are about the same and quite a bore it’s proven to be so far. But doing /working things in routine makes the journey more safe and relaxing. Which to me would be perfect when I am in my 50’s, I guess. Well I would like it be like that when I turn 50. But then again it’s just a thought. Things changes, even thoughts do. By the way, having been living for this long I was quite sure that I’d know pretty much about almost everything or at the least heard of it. Surprisingly, to me I’ve learned that there are plenty of things/ subjects which are quite popular among certain people were unknown to me. I am sure it’s not a big deal, how could a person possibly know about every single thing or happenings in his life. Here are some of the things that I just recently got to know about. The walkmen, Rick James, tidal waves, Russian mobs, and that death can come out of the blue without a warning(this one I knew, but I think I know it better now)

Just that you know, my writings are just mere writings and most of it is my thoughts that I prefer to keep to myself as it would freak the people around me (in the real world that is). I would like to strongly state that this is nothing like diary. Yes it’s my thoughts but nothing personal. Somewhat I had the urge to defend myself. Back to the writings then, my point was I am still clueless about many things, about crucial matters that I’d have to deal with sooner or later. I am hoping to be well educated before I indulge myself into something that would determine my future. I have a dream a dream to not dream about things that I desire, it should just be there whenever I need it. That’s not a proper dream, however my true dream is to have super powers heck I’ll even settle for doraemon rather childish huh. People nowadays dreams of being successful and rich. I am guessing here. Now wouldn’t it be too good to be true. It is highly unlikely for that to happen.

Perhaps they wont all become rich they’d be all successful in their own mending. Which now arises the question how successful is successful I don’t think there’s a limit to it there’s always competition and when if there’s no competition you’d still have to keep it running /maintain it. Which now arises the curiosity, are all successful people happy. I am sounding as if I have a grudge against successful people. No, that’s not what I am saying. It’s just that if I work my ass of working hard for years and sacrificing my fun times I just want to be sure that I’d be happy after that.

If you’re wondering why in the blue hell I am blabbering about this particular subject. I am currently reading a book entitled ‘the dream is everything’. I don’t read quite often so when I read one I like to brag about it. So far it’s really informative and the guy (author) seems serious in wanting to help and to make realize people about their true dreams. I dream to one day be successful and write a self help book, be the best seller so that other clueless loser’s could read my book and make me more rich and successful. That’d be fun. The thing is he writes only about being successful in one world. We Muslims believe in being successful in both worlds. The book still has good points though. It gives you the idea of how to recognize your dream and how to make it real.

People used to believe in basically two worlds. The current and the world after, at the least I believe so. Recently there seem to be a third world emerging. The internet world I know that you guys are going like ‘old story man’. This is just one of those things that I happen to just come know of. It just is getting so serious people spending more and more time on the computer heck people stealing things, playing games, getting into arguments, and many more things that was once thing’s that only happened in the real life. I’ve always wanted to say this. To the geeks out there do enjoy yourselves and have a blast. It’s the only world you could do that. Don’t get me wrong, I am just saying it. I even consider my self a geek. Please don’t hack my pc.

Changing topics, a friend recently during the month of Ramadan learned a lesson of how important it is to keep a cool head and respect others even when the other party is not behaving accordingly. I’ll make this short. On a sunny evening, he was relaxing sitting on someone’s bike, hanging out. Later on the owner of the bike arrived and rudely addressed the friend to get off his bike. In order not to lose face the friend attacked the owner of the bike with more of the same gruesome language which resulted to the friend ending up with bruises and humiliation received from the biker that is. Moral of the story “never mess with an angry rempit” (rempit, bikers with small bikes/loud noise and an undying courage). If any of you rempits happen to read this. Don’t get me wrong. I am just saying it. I even consider myself as a rempit please don’t hurt me.

Finally I would like to address my fellow blogger’s instead of spending all of your free times in front the computer writing craps all day long (shahriman(kidding)). Why not go out and meet up with friends/ go jogging or just do something healthier compared to blogging. Remember a healthy body is a healthy mind. Don’t get me wrong. I am just saying it….


MidlifeCrisisDolmat said...

I hate you.

This mean war! Ahahahhahahahahahah!

Sangap siot. Jom keluar!