
So many things on mind,

All these thoughts black and white,

Good and evil,

Troubling and unwanted like heavy stones,

Proving its presence and the burden it carries,

These heavy thoughts moving,

In a vast black space far away from light,

Where once there was a way,

Now is clogged,

Contempt and anguish,

Ends in vanquish,

Stuck and unmoving physically and mentally,

Dead end and blind alley,

Halted and stopped by the palm,

The hand that obstructs the path that shoves it huge, powerful hands,

A huge barrier evident now,

More and more barriers and obstructions constructs,

No remorse neither humane,

Laughs and Parties replaced instead,

Selfishness and stupidity,

Lack of understanding with their fingers poked in their ears,

But proud nevertheless,

Egoistic and narcissist,

Chasing goals by deceiving the self and others around,

Make beliefs of beliefs,the mind is a powerful thing,

Living life by stepping on others,

using others as sacrifices,

as a stepping stone,

Proud of achievements,

artificial, fake and temporary,

what people perceive as beauty, success have materialized,

Don't you see how good life is?


Unknown said...

Very poetic.

Anonymous said...

abg alam sedang emo ke?
kalau ye, bagus..
seronok kalau keluar dgn anda sdg anda emo kerana anda lebih berdisiplin dan tidak gedik.

Vagabond said...

Mia: thank you and also for pointing out on certain things that i should work on..

Pian/lalok/tapir/faiz/paehh:Weh comment ko tak kena dgn entry, banyak makan belacan kehkeh..tahula ko banyak gelaran haha..nanti aku bitch slap ko..

Unknown said...

Woohoo to this edited version! Make more! :P

Anonymous said...

response anda sangat gedik

Vagabond said...

Thanks Mia for taking the trouble to edit it.. :)

Anonymous said...

hey..i remember this very well. it's the first and third paragraph of you previous entry..isn't it? transforming it into a poem, that's how i like it more. certainly better.

Vagabond said...

yeah ur right.. i had help hehe. Thanks for reading..