It seems that I am facing difficulties in thinking of something else to write about, apart from the ongoing war. I wasn’t going to write about anything concerning the war but then I guess I got so disturbed at the ignorance and arrogance of some people that I fail from not expressing my thoughts.
For instance, this kind of statement is especially most nerve wrecking, “If only they would stop firing rockets at them!” Have you no idea that there’s an occupation going on? It also means that, foreign people coming to your land, chasing you out from your home, houses, demolishing them and claiming the land theirs and after that built their own buildings and towers to keep a look out for trespassers and from any form of rebellion. This in other words is also called ‘colonization’.
But, while normal people who are supposed to fend for themselves and their families against people who oppose a threat to their safety and future--revolt and fight for their home, land and pride are called terrorist. I will shut up if you under those circumstances let the occupiers do as they wish with your land, home and family members. If you’re a man it goes to show what sort of a man you are.
The Zionists however are saying that they’re defending themselves against terrorists. How can one defend itself, whilst at someone else’s land?
I guess people tend to forget or are completely ignorant about the occupation that has been going on and what now seems inescapable and too mighty for defeat.
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