The desires and urges innately instilled,
Every day it grows and demands for new thrills,
Given birth into societies that misinforms,
Fighting against it, like crossing strong tides.
To disregard the whispers that comes from within,
The head, the heart? Where-- its origin?
Urging and condoning the doing of bad things,
I look into myself, who is this person who says such things?
In facing the ocean, so faint in power,
Feeling the faint by just staring at the torrents,
So weak and tiny, so little and puny,
Regardless of that, I man am still ‘high and mighty’,
In a delusional state, this mind creates its own state.
To be nice to the un-nice,
And be kind to the unkind,
To look away from the inconsiderate and selfish,
To say no! To the things the self suggests,
No need to restrain the devils outside, for inside lies a living one,
I am my own evil, to tame it my endeavor.
To respect and accept,
To regard highly towards the lowly,
To refrain from looking at things appealing,
To avoid from hearing whispers that demeans,
To restrain from consuming vehemently,
To control the self painstakingly.
Living life in a wide thorny space,
Each step vulnerable and potential to harm,
An opportunity opens up and to seize it you shant!
In protecting the self from the self it is from,
As absurd as it sounds; my friends, insight can be found.
The dreams and desires, within the heart,
Been nurtured, from seeds now sprouted into trees,
Running it roots entangled deep,
A mighty opponent, prepared to triumph,
Constantly at war and disagreeing with all things,
A fight between the voices within.
To be kind to the unkind,
To smile in dire and remain calm,
To restrict and constraint,
To achieve and succeed, to overcome and supersede,
All of which remain stagnant and dreary,
For talk is easy, to be aware at all times, not so easy.
yay! i like this one cuz it's not too gloomy :P
really? cool and whts tht supposed to mean? haha
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