Like the moon her presence always shines upon him,
So clear and enchanting,
But as he reached out to seize the moon,
She was further than he wished her to be,
She distanced herself and eyed him coldly,
He wasn’t as privileged as she wanted him to be.
From far away your light illumines,
Pure and undeterred,
She glows unbiasedly,
He stood there awaiting, unfaltering,
For a tiny hint, a teeny gesture;
He was hoping to attain,
A pure accompaniment,
A hand of warmth and compassion,
A being that stays together for better or worse.
Her appeal and kindness,
Appeared in torrents,
Overwhelming with strong emotions
A sensation of delight and bliss,
Overcame his whole being,
He closed his eyes and took in the ecstasy.
For the romantic dreams,
Of closeness and thoughtfulness,
Heart longing and addressing,
Writing letters that goes unnoticed,
He kept on daydreaming,
For the maiden to notice.
But her kindness only exist in his imaginings,
The angels appeared pure and untainted only in dreams,
For only in his thoughts she was alive and smiling.
Reality was nothing-alike dreams,
Still he continued to daydream,
He found acceptance and happiness,
For as long as he dreamt.
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