The truth is,
The cities must fall,
The tyrants and titles must fall,
Like rain falling down from the sky,
You too shall fall,
The people are agitated,
Why, of course you too are irritated,
Soon you shall fall,
Curses upon curses befalls,
The heavens and earth calls out for your fall,
No need to gawk,
It is time to fall,
Like a heavy waterfall,
Your kind will fall,
Regardless of when,
Summer, winter, spring or fall,
You will fall,
No matter how tall,
You must fall!
And when you fall,
There will be a ball,
One that brings about justice,
One that silences uproar,
You may hide behind walls
The walls too will fall,
Upon you is a call,
One that commands you to fall,
You shall fall you shall fall,
Your brethrens will fall,
If you are reading this,
Then know that you will fall,
And if that too fails,
Then upon death is your fall.
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