The 'Poor'

If I had a dream, a new year’s resolution, I would want to dream of a time and a place where the poor would be comfortably poor. I would also like to dream of a time where the poor would be intellectually and spiritually rich. This would be a world where strong bonds would be established amongst the poor. A bond and loyalty that is strong enough, that trust would be strong and unity will be formed. When the poor stop dreaming of achieving richness. If such a time were to come, the rich will not be able to mistreat them, walk over them, discriminate against them, look down at them and control them. Again, if only the poor would stop having high hopes of becoming as rich as the ones who mistreat them… perhaps then things would be different. A community of poor people for the poor people; where education and healthcare is free. If only diseases such as greed and jealousy were easy to overcome. I dream of a day where every child would be informed, educated, healthy and strong. I continue to dream. The people continue to dream, they dream of success in the form a mansion, big houses and white people in white dresses cheerfully smiling from their castles. Thinking that they too would one day achieve richness and attain happiness similar to the fairy tales they’ve had in their mind since a tender age.

If only people would find joy in reading, the wonders one could discover. The ideas they could extract and the livelihood they could explore…If only people would read, they could exemplify the prophets and the saints.

 I know it’s silly but I dream of a poor nation where man prefers his brother over himself. They feed one another. They work for each other. I can go on and on…you get the idea right? How does one attain purity of heart in order for his actions to be of purity? We all worship ourselves, we are slaves to our desires. I dream of a world where man becomes a man of such level that he becomes a master over his desires. His desires are selfless, his wisdom is boundless and his faith as strong as the companions.

I dream of a world, when the word ‘poor’ is mentioned the picture that would come to mind is a man with all the wealth in the world but no kindness in his eyes.