Streams, Dreams & Attaining Peace

Wars, tyranny, cigarette smokers and mutiny,
Here I am in the black hole of destiny,
Here I am wondering—on the life I am living,
Why this feeling?
A fleeting,
Smooth sailing into a state of wailing,
Eyes straining from the hearts heavy heaving’s,
Consequences of my misdeeds and misgivings?
All transgressing and churning, the stomach groaning,
I see some embracing, smiling and rejoicing,
I see some with sad eyes, hunger stricken and suffering,
Which one is more appealing?
Though, when I think of those who only knew a life of suffering,
How can I not be pleased and grateful about my life?
However discouraging it may seem,
Though, it still makes me strain when I see tyrants over powering and reigning,
The world subjugated by unfair ruling,
However time is fleeing, I have lived for so many years,
Yet it feels like I have only lived in glimpses,
May the suffering of the world, finish in instances,
As for me sometimes I drown into distractions,
Temporary and meaningless diversion,
In the end it is always comes back to commotions,
May flowers blossom,
May the earth be filled with joyful eyes,
A world with no oppression,
No sadness and depression,
Mother and child in contentment,
No worries and hefty burdens,
They call me a fool for affiliating the world to the heavens.
Though is it not more of a pleasant depiction?