
Classy clothes, designer suits and a smug expression,
A reputable title—enough to split traffic in two,
Colorful educational backgrounds,
Lofty cars,
Houses, lands, properties, assets,
‘Successful and prosperous’,
 Affluent, influential the ministers and statesmen,
“Nothing personal, it’s just business”, their slogan,
To be ruthless and selfish,
It’s a dog eat dog world,
To study hard, get distinctions,
Become lawmakers, misuse the rules,
Become goat herders,
Herding people and cultivating obedient workers,
Success through lies and tyranny,
The more they transgress, the more they possess,
Possessions equates to happiness?
How come the rulers never satisfied?
Re-question your dreams
Re-think your idols,
Outwardly happiness develops avarice,

It is my fault for being shallow,
I fantasize of gaining richness,
Unhappy with the riches I possess,
Thinking, by flaunting my wealth I become superior.
Troubled that I too might one day bend the rules,

Just like how politicians do to attain ‘success’.