A New Man

I thought I ought to write tonight. I am now older in number and my hair is way longer and one would say has a life of its own.

I want to say I am wiser but let’s just say I rise and fall and I rise and fall and I realize I have not attained the wisdom I sought for.

A scary juncture, life in all its mysteriousness. You never know what might occur, the negative mind keeps thinking of what bad thing might befall and rupture once again the mended limbs.

As it has been said, think of this as the best that could happen, a catapult springing you into success!  Where you become your own man.

Though as much as he tries not to, he keeps saying inside, what luck a man can expect when all his life he kept seeing duds.

 Though once again for a man of faith, he should know better. Though cliché, time and time again he tells himself but what else is this life but a test?

Though for a man of faith, one has to put forth effort and be rest assured for whatever it is, it has been ordained to and for him.

Though he also knows that since his faith falters and in his weakness he is of weak of faith and he falls into disobedience and as a consequence falls into sadness.

For he has no friends who he can talk freely to, they listen and they think you ought to try harder. They are of a different breed they relate but not.

The people from his past keeps coming into his mind yet he knows despite all that he thinks and what they think of him, no one thinks of him. They have no time to think of him bereaving yet the mind haunts and makes him conscious of himself—as the devil laughs at the worry and fear he puts himself into.

His goals, that ought to do it! For whatever befalls he still has goals needs attaining. Hence what choice does he have but to reach the goals he has said over and over. For at this moment he is reprimanded by the things he had said he would attain.