
At the most unsuspecting of nights,
As far as I can remember,
I don’t think I’ve ever dreamt of her,
Well not this vividly at least,
And it had been years since things went astray,
This happened right before dawn,
I woke up utterly shocked and with a throbbing pain in my chest,
In a different realm for certain,
It was her but she looked a little different,
Her husband too at times was present, much to my annoyance,
It took place at times amidst a tall but silent waterfall,
At times in the middle of snowy mountains with dark trees and with almost no wind or sun,
One thing for certain it was really quiet, that it made the dream even more picturesque,
Almost like a slideshow, the scenes kept changing,
That which remained the same was the kindness in her eyes when it met mine,
It felt like our gaze went beyond our eyes and to the depths of our soul,
Tall, slender and with short hair the way it was when she was younger,
Again those charming and beautiful eyes that fell upon mine!
 I was convinced—a thing called unconditional love existed,
At times you were gliding through the snow and at times standing still amidst the trees surrounded by the calmness of the waterfall.
I had no idea what the dream meant, it was already too late for us,
There was no way we could be together,
Though here I was enjoying your presence even if it was unreal but the depiction of your presence seemed sufficient,
What could’ve the message been?
Though again, I was fascinated and desperately studying your facial expressions and again those kind eyes that amounted to overwhelming feelings of love and hope,
The dream was of no words nor dialogues,
In my loneliness and longing-ness I wanted to feel that I was the one you truly loved.

I woke up shocked, the dream had hit me hard.
It wasn’t the right day or time or place to have such a dream.
I wasn't even in my house.
Confused, I decided to ‘look around’ for answers,
I opened your husband’s profile and to my surprise,
The love of my life or so I thought had given birth to a baby with the eyes of her mother,
I now know the meaning of the dream,
It was another goodbye.